LIVE Cascade Hops Starter Vine / Plant [Homebrewing]

🌱 For the folks that want the MOST AFFORDABLE option to start a Hops Garden! The Cascade Hops Starter Vine/Plant is a GREAT DEAL!
These will require more attention and more time to get you to the luxurious "Trellissed Hops Biergarten" that you may have been dreaming of but it is MUCH easier than ordering hops rhizomes and hoping for the best. 🌱

You will receive your Cascade hops starter vine in individual moistened packaging suited for shipping and within a very short time you should plant it in a very large well draining pot or in well draining soil in the ground in its designated area. If any roots have grown through the grow pouch then plant the entire grow pouch without disturbing the roots to avoid transplant shock. They become very well rooted after only one season. It will be challenging to move if planted in the ground. If you are unsure of exactly where to plant it in the ground, planting it in a large pot may make it easier for you to prefect your final planting location by the next season.

It is very easy to grow hops and they grow well both in the ground or in large pots with good drainage.
You will need some type of trellis or strong strings to support these fast growing vines.
The vines make a beautiful addition to any garden. They make a lovely canopy when grown over a pergola and the fragrance of the hops are fresh and citrusy.
If you are a gardener, home beer brewer or an entertainer of friends and family then you will be the talk of the town with your own Cascade hops vines gracing your gardens, decks, patios and arbors.

It’s best to choose a sunny spot for your hops plants. You’ll also need a means of support as they grow. Hops plants climb as they get bigger, and many people construct wire supports, which allows the hops plants to curl upward. This is recommended as some vines can grow well over twenty feet long.
It’s best to plant your vines at least three feet apart. Plants will grow exceedingly fast at first, with plants sometimes growing a foot per day. It’s best to do your planting once frost is no longer a concern. Take care when watering and fertilizing your plants; too much or too little can prove detrimental to your yield.

General Characteristics:
Climate — Most climates
Growth Rate — Moderate to very good
Cones — Dense and medium sized
Maturity — Midseason
Susceptible To — Aphids
Resistant To — Downy Mildew, Powdery Mildew
Ease of Harvest — Good

Use of harvested hops:
Cascade is a dual purpose hop, is most often used an aroma hop, but also has a use on the bittering side of the brew.

Sensory Description:
Cascade is a hop with unique floral, spice, and citrus qualities, with the citrus elements often running toward a strong grapefruit character. Moderate bitterness.

Common Beer Styles Using U.S. Cascade Hops:
The following list of beer styles commonly use cascade hops to help them achieve the flavor and aromas that make each of them unique.

American Pale Ale
India Pale Ale
American Porter
Blonde Ale
Amber Ale
American Hefeweizen
American Barley Wine
Red Ale

Thanks for viewing this information about Cascade hops and feel free to message us if there is anything we can help you with.

All Hops Vine/Plants will be shipped carefully in packaging that best suits your order for affordability and plant hydration with least amount of leaking inside your package.
Our plants are not dormant and are already starting to vine out, so we may trim them lightly to help untangle the vine growth unless specified that you do not want them trimmed for shipping. Please note we ship all LIVE plants in biodegradable grow pouches to keep the roots healthy and moist and the pot in the pictures shown will not be in your shipment.

We only ship LIVE plant orders on Mon-Wed to assure that your plants will arrive without heat damage from April-Sept. Thank You for your patience and planning with your live plant order.

product details
$6.99 inc. tax
Schwab Family Farm

Definitely the place to shop...

On May 18, 2020.... I purchased hop rhizomes from 4 companies this year. Schwab family farm was by far the best. Everything came neatly packaged in a safe little box, and there was even a second rhizome I didn't even order! Other companies shipped the rhizomes in plastic bags and the smell of rot hit you when opened. This is definitely the place to shop.

Xavier Thursday, June 11, 2020
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